Where to use?
- Human–
- Hand sanitizer
- Deodorization of toilet, garbage, kitchen, living room, socks, body odor etc.
- Disinfection of daily using things like mobile, laptop, computer, common spaces, open spaces, door knob, lift buttons, shoes, car steering etc.
- Hospital– Sterilization, Disinfection and Deodorization
- Livestock–
FMD, LSD, Mastitis, PPR, Gumboro, IBD, etc. - Crops – Blust, Rootrot, Tan spot (Yellow leaf spot) etc.
- Fishery – White Spot disease, Gill disease, Tail and Fin-rot
- Water treatment–
- Sewage sterilization
- Swimming pool disinfection & sterilization
- Factory waste water disinfection & sterilization
- Deodorization of human, animal shade, toilets.
- Disinfection and bleaching of papermill
- Bleaching of floor
- Food processing–
- Disinfection of beverage plant
- Packaging disinfection
- Disinfection of food processing facilities
- Processing and sterilization of meat. Sea food canning
- Others–
- Fish, fruits, vegetables, meat sterilization
- Pesticide removal effect
- Hand sanitization
- Disinfection of daily usable computer, car steering, keys, lift button
- Garbage treatment, market, landfill or dumping ground, garbage disposal area